The Family Heritage Experience is a welcoming, visually exciting, and intellectually engaging introduction to family history.
Bring your curiosity, and embark on a journey of a lifetime!
Exhibit Highlights
Who in the World Are You?
Visitors use iPads to place digital pins in an interactive 15-foot world map indicating where their ancestors originated, creating a compelling visual of journeys and migrations, accumulating as each guest passes through.
Wall of Questions
This exhibit features rows of 90 colorful cards with curious questions about family history. Visitors can choose one or more cards that resonate with them and scan QR the code on the back to find out how to answer the questions at an answer station kiosk.
Treasures Vault
Step into this brightly lit chamber displaying an eclectic collection of historic objects that document family history, representing diverse cultures, traditions, and spanning many different time periods.
Your Name, Your Year
An interactive, screen-based exhibit that lists the popular films, songs, sporting events, and trivia for the year visitors were born, and ranks popularity of a visitor’s surname.
Story Station
A dedicated space in which visitors can listen to audio recordings by people of all backgrounds narrating their family history discoveries.